Statistics on smes and publications

The Subdirectorate General for SMES service monthly and annual statistics and various reports, both with the purpose of disseminating the figures and indicators most relevant SMES spanish, as for the monitoring and evaluation of policies undertaken by the directorate General for industry and small and medium-sized enterprises.

On a yearly basis, is published the report "structure and dynamics in spain" business from the exploitation as 1 of Central directory of companies (DIRCE) to 1 january each year, provided by the national institute of statistics (INE). This report has been previously issued under the name of "SMES: Statistics and indicators".

The "Report on smes" it is smes that Picture on an annual basis has been published, with the objective of an analysis of business in Spain, paying particular attention to the conduct SMES.

Likewise, with an annual basis is developed "Portrait of smes" that summarizes the SME sector also based on information as DIRCE, of the following parameters:

  • Companies
  • Sectors
  • Ups and downs of companies
  • Amount of revenue
  • Typology of business at your status
  • By NATIONAL companies

Monthly, is published document "SMES Figures" based on monthly data published by the ministry for the inclusion, Social security and migration on companies registered in the Social security.

Figure - trends in employment by establishment

Trends in employment by establishment Figures SMES.


According to the present report, number total number of companies small and medium-sized is 2.936.243 (0-249 employees) remain the number of large companies (250 or more employees) of 5.841, total number of companies in spain of 2.942.084. Compared with the previous month, SMEs have risen by 0.51 per cent and large have risen by 2.76 per cent.


It can be stressed that the number smes with employeesin march is 1.332.650, which, along with 5.841 large companies give a sum total of 1.338.491 companies with employees.

Moreover, the smes with employees in march gave employment to 9.617.631 employees, this translates into a positive monthly variation 2.09 per cent, and large companies to 6.925.476 a positive monthly variation 3.60%. In total, companies with employees ensured the employment 16.543.107 employees.

Within smes with employees, the stretch of the medium-sized is experiencing its strongest growth in both the number of companies (3.11 per cent) and in terms of employment (3.20%).


The data referred to previous companies with employees, are extracted from statistics "monthly Companies registered in the Social Security", updated as of 31 march 2024.

With regard to the smes without employees, the latest data available on the date of preparation of this report on "Self-sustaining itself" relate to the fourth quarter of 2023.

1The data INE specifically developed at the request of the DGIPYME, as the breakdown of companies to 249 employees for the approval to the definition Eurostat and its comparison with the EU.
