Detail Public Participation

Range of the Standard:
Ministerial Order
Character of the query:
Type of participation:
Prior public consultation

Background of the norm

The General direction of industry and small and medium enterprises has been adopted by recurring resolution implementing rules of the restructuring fund shipbuilding sector, through which defined criteria of access to aid for research, development and innovation until, with the approval of the deleted ministry of finance and public administrations, issued the command IET/2679/2015, 4 December, which approves the implementing rules of the restructuring fund shipbuilding Sector to aid for research, development and innovation.

Problems to be solved with the new standard

The aid which relates the command IET/2679/2015, 4 December, are governed, among other rules, by this Regulation (HAT) Nº651/2014 of the commission of 17 June 2014, declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the treaty, which will apply until 31 December 2020. Therefore, the duration of the above ends in Order that date.

In order to give continuity to such aid, and considering the future extension of the abovementioned Regulation until 30 December 2023, it is necessary to modify the order, allowing to expand its duration until that date.

Need and opportunity for approval

With the publication of the royal decree 873/2017, 29 September, which regulates the granting of aid to shipbuilding sector in research, development and innovation, changes were made regarding the command IET/2679/2015, 4 December, so it is necessary to update the order in order to adapt it to the royal decree.

Objectives of the norm

Conformity to the current regulations and allow Spanish shipyards have access, thanks to the restructuring fund to support for research and development projects and innovation.

Possible alternative solutions, regulatory and non-regulatory

There is No alternative regulatory not.

If there is changing policy proposal, once the duration of the command IET/2679/2015, 4 December, there would be access criteria and procedures applicable to the aid of the naval sector, from the restructuring fund.

Remission deadline

Deadline for submitting arguments until the day Monday, February 3, 2020

Submission of allegations

The allegations may be referred to the email address:

Will only be considered responses in which the sender this identified.

In general the answers will be considered nonconfidential and in consequence of free dissemination. Parts of the information you wish to be considered confidential should be specifically identified and delimited in the text itself, motivating the reasons for such qualification.
