Detail Public Participation

Range of the Standard:
Royal Decree of cabine
Character of the query:
Type of participation:
Prior public consultation


De conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo 26.2 de la Ley 50/1997, de 27 de noviembre, del Gobierno, se procede a realizar la consulta pública previa a la elaboración del proyecto de Real Decreto por el por el que se aprueba el Reglamento técnico de distribución y utilización de combustibles gaseosos y sus instrucciones técnicas complementarias.

Background of the norm

The current Royal Decree 919/2006 of 28 july, which approves the technical regulation of distribution and use of gaseous fuels and its follow-up technical instructions ICG 01 11 entailed, inter alia, the consolidation into one text of the technical conditions and security of facilities that allow the distribution of combustible gases from the transport networks, in the case of channelled, or from the centres of production or storage, in other cases, up to the premises and equipment or apparatus or consumption, which until then were reviewed by a regulatory package distributed in the time, in the form and technology.

In addition, the current regulation has contributed greatly to enhance and promote security in the facilities of gaseous fuels included in its Scope.

The standardization of the sector has resulted in technical instruments, with a high degree of consensus, when the rules of procedure has been supported using as reference standards adopted by accredited agencies both nationally and internationally to perform this activity.

Problems to be solved with the new standard

The experience in the implementation of this regulation and developments in technology makes it necessary to review these terms of the security council, and to include other facilities whose law has not evolved over time as, for example, the case of stockpiling, transfer and filling packaging liquid petroleum gas, so far covered by the order of 1 december 1964, on certain safety standards for filling plant and the transfer of former united nations interns and fellows (LPG).

Furthermore, the current regulation stipulates that in a complementary technical instruction reflected all the rules referred to in rules of procedure and Icts, with the year edition so that, when newer versions, can be made by the individual changes to this list, updated automatically in the text device, without the need for further intervention.

However, this procedure presupposes that a rule only change to the year of issue with the passage of time, not changing enumeration never, or national standards cannot be replaced by international standards for agreeing on its scope of application. This has shown over the updates the list box made during those years, the real possibility of loss of traceability between rules in those cases in which it was in some circumstances, being the previous text of the ITC corresponding to the original rule without the possibility of finding in the table of its current equivalence. This new regulation aims to include a new method of standards through a unique alphanumeric code will not be affected by these changes.

We must also carry out a comprehensive review to clarify certain provisions of the rules of procedure and thus resolve problems of implementation, as well as to include some security conditions that are laid down in rules and that it would be advisable to move at the same rules of procedure when considering the civil service as the most appropriate actor for the establishment of the regulation on certain aspects of the security council.

Need and opportunity for approval

The above considerations, militate in favour of addressing the revision of that regulation in force in 2006, to update and expand the regulatory framework governing the conditions of safety of installations using gaseous fuels, through the adoption of a new regulation which repeals and replaces the previous one.

Moreover, there is a need to consider new gaseous fuels such as those included in the directive 2014/94/EU of the european parliament and the council of 22 october 2014, concerning the implementation of infrastructure for alternative fuels and its regulations derived, in addition to open the possibility to regulating new types of facilities that may arise is widespread in the use of combustible gases such as, for example, hydrogen.

The updating of the follow-up technical instructions, as well as the inclusion of any new, will adapt the spanish regulation in this area to the evolution of the technique to contribute to an improvement in the safety of installations of gaseous fuels.

Objectives of the norm

The objective of the rule is improving the facilities of gaseous fuels taking into account the evolution of the technique and experience that has been building up the implementation of the current regulation.

Possible alternative solutions, regulatory and non-regulatory

Score four alternatives:

  • Development of a new regulation which repeals and replaces the previous one.
  • Partial modification of the current regulation of 2006.
  • Not to amend the rules of procedure of 2006, and create supporting documents (guides) with the clarifications and guidance necessary, supported by the existing rules.
  • Do nothing.

These alternatives, it considers that the most appropriate is the first.

Remission deadline

Deadline for submitting arguments from the day Thursday, March 4, 2021 until the day Thursday, March 25, 2021

Submission of allegations


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