The Strategic Plan envisages the momentum of:
It is estimated that the budgetary impact of the Plan will be of 515 M €for the first two years (2019-2020) and 2.634 M €to the entire period 2019-2025.
Taking into account the effect drag (resulted in greater investment of manufacturers and auxiliary industry, lower costs derived from improvements in productivity, improving the sustainability of transport, reduction of import of fuel, increase in electricity consumption, health effects of the public system and tax purposes, among others), it is estimated that the full impact of the Plan would be of 2,283 M €to 2019-2020 and 9.726 M €to 2019-2025.
The minister has emphasized that this plan had a budget, “ the plan adopted in september 2017 by the previous government, which included 20 measures, but had zero euro. We contributed certainty and more than 2.6 billion for the sector, in this responsibility that characterises us as Government ”.
The Plan is contained in the transition strategy Just registered in the Agenda of change, guiding government action in the framework of Agenda 2030 of Sustainable Development of the united Nations.
It is also aligned with the National Plan integrated 2021-2030 energy and climate, which identifies the challenges and opportunities in the area of decarbonisation, efficiency and energy security, internal market energy and research, innovation and competitiveness.
Developed around five themes:
The Plan provides for the implementation of immediate measures to accompany the sector of transition towards a new model of sustainable mobility and connected. These measures are:
Proceedings of building sustainable mobility and connected,through schemes MOVES and MOVEA, plans of curtailment of vehicles and stimulation of demand for vehicles from scratch and low-emissions direction.
Support for the rejuvenation of the templates and to the increased involvement of women:
Support for innovation,types of aid through reimbursable partially designed for the financing of business projects of I + D + i and technological upgrading, with particular attention to those projects that exploit the potential of digital enabling assets, are of special relevance in the automotive sector, such as:
Strengthening the FP Dual
Revision of the accreditation procedure of professional skills through professional experience the expedition of the design of qualifications.
Finally, the Plan envisages the establishment of working groups formed by public and private actors. In addition to various ministries involved, SERNAUTO ANFAC, GANVAM, ANIACAM, FACONAUTO and trade unions CCOO, UGT and.
Note: "Reyes Maroto presents the strategic Plan for Comprehensive Support to the Automotive Sector"
Strategic Plan for comprehensive Support for the automotive Sector [PDF] [2.48 MB] [PDF] [0 kB]
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