Detail Public Participation

Range of the Standard:
Royal Decree of cabine
Character of the query:
Type of participation:
Prior public consultation


In accordance with the provisions of Article 26.2 of Law 50/1997, of November 27, 1997, of the Government, a public consultation is carried out prior to the preparation of the draft Royal Decree amending Royal Decree 208/2019, of March 29, establishing the regulatory rules for the direct granting of a loan to the company Hisdesat Servicios Estratégicos, S.A. for the development of the SPAINSAT NG satellite communications program.

Problems to be solved with the new standard

Royal Decree 208/2019, dated March 29th , amended by Royal Decree 935/2021, dated October 26th , established the regulatory rules for the direct granting of a loan to Hisdesat Servicios Estratégicos, S.A (hereinafter, HISDESAT) for the development of the SPAINSAT NG satellite communications program. In compliance with the provisions of the aforementioned Royal Decree, on July 25, 2019, the loan was granted to HISDESAT by means of an Order of the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, having modified said granting order on different occasions

Several circumstances make it necessary to modify the content of the Royal Decree in order to adjust the schedule of disbursements from the Ministry of Industry and Tourism to the actual execution rates of the program, as well as to adjust the maximum funding ceiling foreseen for the program.

At the same time, it is necessary to modify the repayment schedule to reflect the early repayment that the company made in 2023 on a small portion of the funds released by MINTUR.

Need and opportunity for approval

The aim of advocating initiative must necessarily dealt with through an alternative regulatory pursuant to royal decree to amend a ranking rule requires another regulatory ranking rule similar or greater.

Objectives of the norm

Reduce the ceiling of financing as defined in Royal Decree 208/2019, of 29 march, as amended by Royal Decree 935/2021, of 26 october, and define new libramientos schedules and reimbursements to the public treasury

Remission deadline

Deadline for submitting arguments until the day Saturday, July 6, 2024

Submission of allegations

The allegations may be sent to the email address: indicating in the subject: "Royal Decree amending Royal Decree 208/2019."

Will only be considered responses in which the sender relates