Detail Public Participation

Range of the Standard:
Available to other authorities
Character of the query:
Policy not
Type of participation:
Not normative projects

Objectives of the norm

In the last days 4 and 7 June was open the deadline for the expression of interest in the participation by companies in a European project in the value chain of batteries under the mechanism IPCEI (Important Projects of Common European Interest– acronyms in English PIICE).

Given the high interest shown by companies in the initiative, is opened by the present public notice a new opportunity to express interest in participating in this European project for firms with innovative projects focusing on the value chain of batteries. This PIICE falls within the initiative European Alliance of batteries (EBA), driven by the European commission in 2017, with the aim of bringing together the countries and companies to develop the battery industry in Europe.

PIICE projects are subject to compliance with the terms of theCommunication of the European commission (2014 / C 188 / 02),published in the DOUE 20 June 2014. On this occasion, Germany has offered to coordinate efforts towards this PIICE of batteries that will focus on mobility applications, called preliminary "autumn PIICE" by the European commission.

Each Member State can nominate, the resulting list of companies and entities involved, to companies eligible to comply with the terms below and submit draft I + D + i to participate in the autumn PIICE.

Companies that have been selected to work in the development of documentation for the individual project “Project Portfolio” as well as along the ministry of industry, in the elaboration of the “Chapeau document"that is the document that will integrate the business projects in a single and large project PIICE. The first full version of these documents must be completed and communicated to the Ministry of Industry, trade and tourism before31 July 2019.

The participation by companies in this PIICE will not in itself access to any line of aid specific funding or Spanish or European, so it is hoped that Spanish companies can undertake its draft I + D + i with its own funding, beneficing in any case of enrichment inherent in PIICE with other European companies, as well as the formation of private partnerships.

Companies will stand for calls for any of the horizontal lines of aid or existing funding for projects I + D + i, and should continue to due process and required in its advertisements and comply with their conditions and requirements. In case of obtaining some help or financing should inform the Ministry of Industry, trade and tourism. The Ministry in any case will continue to move in tools to boost the participation of companies in projects PIICE.

The conditions for participation in this PIICE are the following:

  • The company should be part of the value chain of batteries (from the production of the raw materials needed to manufacture the various components of the cell until the recycling of batteries), with an innovative industrial production and respectful with the environment.
  • The company must have a project defined I + D + i batteries mobility oriented to share it within the framework proposed. Those companies that do not have this draft I + D + i may not participate in the initiative. The project of the company should aim to be part of the value chain of the industrial production of batteries.
  • The project proposed by the company should submit strong innovations in comparison with the current state of the art.
  • The project will a dynamic of partnership.
  • The PIICE should allow the broad dissemination of the knowledge acquired, whether or not they are protected by a title or an intellectual property right. The dissemination will take place beyond the project partners throughout the European Union. The mechanisms of dissemination of knowledge shall be detailed.
  • The company must be valid, not be subject to a court order to recover aid that has been considered illegal and incompatible in the context of a decision of the European commission. The company should not have difficulties in the sense of the guidelines of the European commission on aid for the rescue and restructuring of companies in crisis.

Remission deadline

Deadline for submitting arguments from the day Tuesday, July 23, 2019 until the day Friday, July 26, 2019

Submission of allegations

The allegations may be sent to the email address: indicating in the subject: "Nombre de la empresa/entidad” - Proyecto PIICE"

Should submit their project proposals to the ministry of industry, trade and tourism specifying:

  • Data:Company, name, representative and contact details.
  • Attaching to mail document ”Project proposal I + D + i – PIICEduly completed ” (maximum 5 pages) as the memory of the project of the company.

Interested companies must submit project proposals to the ministry of industry, trade and tourism until the day 26 July (10:00 am).
