Detail Public Participation

Range of the Standard:
Ministerial Order
Character of the query:
Type of participation:
Prior public consultation

Background of the norm

In accordance with article 26.2 of law 50 / 1997 of 27 November, the government, we proceed to make the public consultation prior to the preparation of the draft order amending the epidermal of the royal decree 237 / 2000 of 18 February, establishing the technical specifications must comply with special vehicles for land transport of foodstuffs of temperature regulated and procedures for the control in accordance with the specifications.

Objectives of the norm

The fundamental objective of this rule is to refine the implantation of ATP in our country it fully complies with the countries of our environment and incorporate improvements identified since the entry into force of the royal decree 237 / 2000 of 18 February, establishing the technical specifications must meet the special vehicles for land transport of foodstuffs of temperature regulated and procedures for the control in accordance with these specifications; encouraging to turn an improvement of energy efficiency of transport units, and as a result reduced emissions of such vehicles dedicated to the transport perishable goods.

Remission deadline

Deadline for submitting arguments until the day Monday, February 25, 2019

Submission of allegations

The allegations may be sent to the email address: indicating in the subject: "Proyecto de Orden por la que se modifican los anejos del Real Decreto 237/2000, de 18 de febrero"
