Detail Public Participation

Range of the Standard:
Royal Decree of cabine
Character of the query:
Type of participation:
Hearing and public information


The Royal Decree 1580 / 2006 of 22 December, regulating electromagnetic compatibility of electrical and electronic equipment, established the evaluation procedures and requirements relating to the protection electromagnetic compatibility of equipment, systems and facilities.

The royal decree came to transpose the Directive 2004 / 108 / CE, advice on the approximation of the laws of the member states electromagnetic compatibility.

The parliament and the council of the European Union adopted, dated 26 February 2014, the directive 2104 / 30 / HAT in which came to modify a number of aspects of Directive 2004 / 108 / CE.

In compliance with the obligations as stated in Article 44 of the said directive, it is necessary to make national provisions that contemplate and take the forecasts contained in this directive.

This royal decree aims to transpose into national legislation this directive 2014 / 30 / HAT, harmonising national provisions of protection against electromagnetic disturbances, to guarantee in this area and in the functioning of the internal market the free movement of electrical and electronic equipment.

In accordance with article 24.1.c) of the law 50 / 1997 of 27 November, the government, this provision is submitted to the handling of public information.

Remission deadline

Deadline for submitting arguments until the day Sunday, March 15, 2015

Submission of allegations

The allegations may be referred to the email address:

or by regular mail to the General Office of Industrial safety and quality (Pº of Castellana, 160 - plant 12, 28071 Madrid).
