Detail Public Participation

Range of the Standard:
Royal Decree of cabine
Character of the query:
Type of participation:
Hearing and public information


The provision of services in the field of industrial security is an activity regulated in Spain by the different industrial security regulations. Thus, a company wishing to carry out the activity within the framework of one or more regulations must be suitably qualified for which, among other requirements, it must have the qualified professionals established by said regulations.

Royal Decree 298/2021, of 27 April, amending various regulations on industrial safety, modified the industrial safety regulations in order, among other aspects, to standardise the requirements to be met by qualified companies in terms of the human resources they must have, so that, from the entry into force of this amendment, the qualified professionals required by the industrial safety regulations must be on the staff of the companies for as long as they carry out the activity.

This modification was intended to make the Administration more efficient in its supervisory function of compliance with these requirements, as well as greater control by the companies authorised to provide the service over the authorised professionals working for them.

However, in its reasoned opinion [INFR(2023)4009], the European Commission urges Spain to reverse this amendment, as it considers that it is not in line with European legislation on services. Therefore, in order to align industrial safety legislation with Directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on services in the internal market, as well as with other harmonised legislation in this field, the various industrial safety regulations are amended.

Structure of the Royal Decree

The draft royal decree consists of an explanatory part, ten articles and two final provisions.

Remission deadline

Deadline for submitting arguments until the day Friday, September 20, 2024

Submission of allegations

The allegations may be sent to the email address: indicating in the subject: "Hearing RD Installers 2024"

The allegations made must be presented using the model of attachment, or a similar, sorting and clearly separating the various comments made, and identifying (and the text referred to by each.

Will only be considered responses in which the sender relates to state, in:

  • Name and surname/name of the participant
  • Organization or association (if applicable)
  • Contact (email).

In general, the contributions received are considered likely to be made public. The parts of the information provided that, in the opinion of the person concerned should be treated confidentially and consequently is not free dissemination, should be specifically identified in the text of the contribution, not to be regarded as the generic messages confidentiality of information.
