Detail Public Participation

Range of the Standard:
Ministerial Order
Character of the query:
Type of participation:
Hearing and public information


This draft standard modifies the annex to the Royal Decree 648 / 1994, 15 April, declaring national patterns of measure of basic units of the international system of units and Annex of the command ITC / 2581 / 2006 of 28 July by which defines the national patterns of units arising from international system of units, electrical capacity, concentration of ozone in air, luminous flux, impedance at high frequency, couple of torque, power in high frequency, electrical resistance, electromagnetic noise at high frequency electric voltage, activity (a radionuclide), kerma (X-rays and And), dose absorbed, angle level, density of solids, strength, pressure, volume, attenuation in high frequency, humidity and spacing of measure electric high tension (greater than 1000 v), unfolded the current pattern of high tension in: national pattern to high voltage corresponding to the magnitude tension low frequency electric and national pattern to high voltage corresponding to the magnitude transitory electric voltage high frequency, and is defined as as new national patterns of derivative units for electrical power and low frequency H.323.

The new regulation seeks to update the national patterns of measure to recent advances in units of measurement and the recommendations of international agencies such as the General conference of Weights and measures (CGPM), specifically to the adoption of the international system of revised units, while adapting and comprehensive units patterns associated to the needs of Spanish society.

In the area of simplification, aims to simplify and standardise in a single order annexes of the two regulations existing until now, one for national patterns of basic units and another derivative units patterns.

It is advisable to perform this adaptation to be in line with the rest of the countries belonging to the convention from the Metro and facilitate national pattern recognition at international level.

Remission deadline

Deadline for submitting arguments until the day Monday, June 17, 2019

Submission of allegations

The allegations may be sent to the email address: indicating in the subject: "Modificación de la normativa de Patrones Nacionales"

Will only be considered allegations in which the sender is identified.

In general the allegations will be considered nonconfidential and free circulation. The parties that are considered confidential must be specifically identified and delimited in the comments, motivating the reasons for such qualification.
