- Query
- Closed
- Range of the Standard:
- Ministerial Order
- Character of the query:
- Policy
- Type of participation:
- Hearing and public information
This draft standard modifies the command ICT / 1100 / 2018, 18 October, which establishes the rules for the granting of financial support for industrial investment in the framework of public policy and reindustrialisation strengthening industrial competitiveness, which set the foundations for the financing of industrial action undertaken by the manufacturing sector that allow the creation of new facilities, transfer or relocation, as well as improvements or adaptations of production lines existing ones.
The Conference industry and sectoral KEY on 3 October 2018, authorised the creation of a working group involving all Autonomous Communities and that serve to the study and regional analysis of the program. The result of meetings, the conference Industry and Sectoral KEY on 25 March 2019, adopted a series of agreements that affect the evaluation of applications under this command, moving to this project.
In the standard specifies the new evaluation criteria and clarifies and detailed definitions that already existed in the order.
Remission deadline
Deadline for submitting arguments until the day Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Submission of allegations
The allegations may be sent to the email address: sgeprogramas@mincotur.es indicating in the subject: "Modificación de la Orden de Bases del Programa de Apoyo a la Inversión Industrial Productiva" p>