Detail Public Participation

Range of the Standard:
Character of the query:
Type of participation:
Hearing and public information


The ministry of industry and tourism began the process of HEARING AND PUBLIC INFORMATION on a new industry and Strategic Autonomy, in order to obtain the views of the people and of the major organisations potentially subject to the future regulation, in accordance with article 133.1 of law 39/2015, of 1 october, of Common Administrative Procedure of the public administrations, in relation to article 26.2 of the law 50/1997, of 27 november, the government.

The new law on industry is a commitment of spain within the 12 Component of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, identified as a milestone # 176, corresponding to the measure C12.R1 “ strategy for Industrial Boost 2030 ”.

The manufacturing industry (excluding the energy sector) represents 11.6 per cent of the GDP of the spanish economy, a lower percentage to the countries of our environment. This means that there is an important source of growth of the industrial sector, not only the direct and indirect impact on the economy, but also to respond to the challenges of the current context and address the vulnerabilities that have demonstrated over the past few years: crisis resulting from war COVID-19, Ukraine, Reducing inflation by United States (IRA).

By 2023, after adoption of the IRA (the largest support package for energy transition in the country), the european commission reacts by proposing the Industrial Plan of the covenant green, with the aim of improving the competitiveness of european industry with zero net emissions and to encourage a rapid transition towards climate neutrality.

The pillars of the Industrial Plan of the covenant green are: in the regulatory environment, the law on the industry with zero net (Net Zero Industry Act,NZIAby its initials in english) and the law of Critical Commodities (Critical Raw Materials Act,CRMAby its initials in english); in the area of financing, the aim is to accelerate investment for the production of clean technologies in europe; and in the area of qualifications, encourage recycling and professional development in strategic industries.

This makes it necessary to address the comprehensive reform of the current Law on industry, dating from 1992.

To incorporate these new realities, and the transformation of the spanish economy towards more green and sustainable, poses a revision of the framework of domestic industrial activity that has existed so far, the law 21/1992, of 16 july, on industry, and do so through a new provision with the rank of law, given that the depth of the changes which would be incorporated, which profoundly affect the structure of the previous text, made it impossible to introduce them in the latter with minimal technical rigour in the regulation.

This draft legislation was already a procedure of public participation since 13 december 2022 until 05 january 2023. Why is carried out a new procedure is due to the changes that have occurred since then in european industrial policy, and the need to align the present draft legislation to these changes.

Remission deadline

Deadline for submitting arguments from the day Tuesday, July 2, 2024 until the day Thursday, July 11, 2024

Submission of allegations

The allegations may be sent to the email address: indicating in the subject: "Hearing of Industry Act sender id _"

These contributions will be carried out by completing the attached document “Table structured to provide inputs to the draft bill” (and send it in editable format in the format provided xls.) including the following fields: number of product or products that are intended to be changed; current original text of these articles; drafting suggestions (proposed redraft of those articles); justification for such a change of wording.

Will only be considered the comments in which the sender is identified.

In general the replies shall be regarded as non-confidential and, consequently, of broadcasting. If some parts of the information can be considered confidential, these will be identified and delimitarán in the text itself, and shall provide the need for confidentiality.
