Detail Public Participation

Range of the Standard:
Royal Decree of cabine
Character of the query:
Type of participation:
Hearing and public information


In accordance with article 26.6 of law 50 / 1997 of 27 November, government, do the procedure of public hearing on draft royal decree establishes the requirements for marketing and commissioning of plates for motor vehicles and trailers, and amending the general regulation of vehicles, approved by the Royal Decree 2822 / 1998 of 23 December.

The General Regulation of vehicles, approved by Royal Decree 2822 / 1998 of 23 December, a requirement for the movement of motor vehicles, as well as trailers and trailers of permissible maximum mass exceeding 750 kg, compulsory to carry numberplates. Specified in the above-mentioned regulations the need for the license plates correspond to type-approved.

The Command IET / 1624 / 2012, 16 July, which regulates the approval of plates for motor vehicles and trailers, provides administrative requirements and procedures for type approval of the license plates, technical specifications of the product, test methods, as well as responsibilities of the various actors involved in the manufacturing process of the license plates.

The basic objective of the draft royal decree that undergoes hearing is the modification of the regulatory framework for the market introduction of the license plates to align it with the procedure with the existing one for the rest of industrial products, in line with the new legislative framework established Rules (CE) No 765 / 2008 of the European Parliament and of the board of 9 July 2008 by which establishes the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of products and repealing Regulation (CEE) 339 / 93 and the decision 768 / 2008 / CE of the European Parliament and of the board of 9 July 2008, on a common framework for the marketing of products and repealing Decision 93 / 465 / CEE advice, application for the vast majority of products, a reduction of administrative burdens that carries the approval.

The project consists of 10 articles distributed in five chapters in which sets, plus three technical annexes specifying the technical requirements to be met by the license plates as well as the conformity assessment procedures of the product.

Remission deadline

Deadline for submitting arguments until the day Monday, September 24, 2018

Submission of allegations

The allegations may be sent to the email address: indicating in the subject: "El título del proyecto"

Will only be considered responses in which the sender is identified, stating in them:

  • Name and surname / name of the participant
  • Organization or association (if applicable)
  • Contact (mail)

In general, contributions received are considered capable of public. Parts of the information provided that, in the opinion of interested should be treated confidentially and therefore not appropriate his free dissemination, should be specifically identified in the text of the contribution, not considered to these effects generic messages of confidentiality.
