- Query
- Closed
- Range of the Standard:
- Royal Decree of cabine
- Character of the query:
- Policy
- Type of participation:
- Hearing and public information
This royal decree aims to revise the regulatory framework for protection against fire, which approved new regulations fire safety in industrial establishments (RSCIEI) which repeals and replaces the earlier, approved by royal decree 2267/2004 of 3 december.
The current regulation until now fire safety in industrial establishments of the year 2004 was intended to achieve a sufficient degree of security in the event of fire in the establishments and facilities for industrial use. To that end, the regulation establishes the requirements for facilities, so as to prevent fires, or if this is not possible, restricts its spread and allows for their extinction, minimizing the damage that the fire can produce to persons, property and environment.
Given the developments in both the technical and policy framework in the national and european level, it is advisable to review and update the requirements set out in the above-mentioned regulations to meet the needs and current constructive solutions, and at the same time, align it with the rest of product standards, facilities and construction.
Accordingly, it becomes necessary to adopt a new regulation fire safety in industrial establishments that regulated the conditions for establishing an adequate level of fire-safety in industrial businesses with a horizontal nature and application in any sector of industrial activity.
Furthermore, it was also introduced changes in the following provisions:
- the royal decree 513/2017, of 22 may, approving the regulations of fire protection (RIPCI),
- the core document DB-SI 'fire-safety' of the technical building code, adopted by royal decree 314/2006 of 17 march,
- the order of 27 july 1999 on the required conditions for fire extinguishers installed in vehicles for the carriage of passengers or goods,
- Follow-Up Technical instructions of the security regulation for refrigeration equipment, approved by the royal Decree No. 552/2019, of 27 september,
- el Real Decreto 2200/1995, de 28 de diciembre, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de la Infraestructura para la Calidad y la Seguridad Industrial.
Structure of the Royal Decree
The royal decree comprises a preamble, a single article, two additional provisions, four transitional provisions, a provision repeal and 10 final provisions.
Posteriormente se inserta el Reglamento de seguridad contra incendios en los establecimientos industriales (RSCIEI), que se compone de dieciocho artículos, agrupados en seis capítulos y finalmente, cinco anexos.
Remission deadline
Deadline for submitting arguments from the day Thursday, September 22, 2022 until the day Saturday, October 22, 2022
Submission of allegations
The allegations may be sent to the email address: participacion_csegind@mincotur.es indicating in the subject: "Audiencia RSCIEI 2022" p>
The allegations made must be presented using the model of enclosure, sorting and clearly separating the various comments made, and identifying (and the text of the royal decree referred to by each.
Sólo serán consideradas las respuestas en las que el remitente esté identificado, haciendo constar en ellas:
- Name and surname/name of the participant
- Organization or association (if applicable)
- Contact (email).
In general, the contributions received are considered likely to be made public. The parts of the information provided that, in the opinion of the person concerned should be treated confidentially and consequently is not free dissemination, should be specifically identified in the text of the contribution, not to be regarded as the generic messages confidentiality of information.