Detail Public Participation

Range of the Standard:
Royal Decree of cabine
Character of the query:
Type of participation:
Hearing and public information


The Royal Decree 224 / 2008, of the 15 February establishes the general rules of installation and operation of seasons of MOT. Among other things in the royal decree regulates the regime of incompatibilities partners, managers and personnel of these centres, respect to other related activities with vehicles that should be subject to inspection.

These inconsistencies were established in 1985, through the royal decree 1987 / 1985, 24 September, previous regulation of the installation and operation of the seasons ITV, subsequently cleared incompatibilities with repair workshops through royal Decreto-Ley 7 / 2000 of 23 June. The reasons for the abolition of the incompatibility were liberalisation of this activity.

In the current situation, and for the same reasons, it has been considered advisable to delete all the inconsistencies of the activity as a partner or steering ITV stations and to personnel who serve in them, which currently provides in the Royal Decree 224 / 2008, of the 15 February.

On the other hand, to see the technical soundness of entities operating in the field of technical inspection of vehicles, it is advisable to establish for the same mandatory accreditation according to norm UNE-EN ISO / IEC 17020.

We therefore need to modify the royal decree 224 / 2008 remove incompatibilities for partners, managers and staff of entities operating in the field of technical inspection of vehicles, as well as demand for such entities accreditation according to norm UNE-EN ISO / IEC 17020.

In accordance with article 24.1.c) of the law 50 / 1997 of 27 November, of government, a public information processing this draft royal Decree.

Remission deadline

Deadline for submitting arguments until the day Monday, August 19, 2013

Submission of allegations

The allegations may be referred to the email address:

or by regular mail to the General Secretariat of industry and small and medium enterprises, the quoted Ministry (Paseo de la Castellana, 160, 28071 Madrid).
