Detail Public Participation

Range of the Standard:
Royal Decree of cabine
Character of the query:
Type of participation:
Prior public consultation

Problems to be solved with the new standard

The establishment and regulation of the figure of consumer electrointensivo endowed this type of a framework that helps to mitigate the effects of the high costs of electricity to preserve the competitiveness of their companies. Among consumers electrointensivos include industrial undertakings for which it is intended to prevent their relocation in accordance with european standards.

The Royal Decree 1106/2020, of 15 december, which regulates the consumers electrointensivos, title III, lays the foundation for regulating the compensation mechanism 'consumers Electrointensivos charges for the financing of specific remuneration renewable and high-efficiency cogeneration and additional funding in the territories will', a programme of granting aid to offset some of the offices of the electricity bill electrointensivos consumers.

The Royal Decree 1106/2020, of 15 december, sets out requirements for the category of electrointensivo consumer, whose compliance is verified during certification procedures and annual renewal. It also requires the fulfilment of a series of obligations, some of which apply to all consumers certificates and other electrointensivos as Only those who have undergone any of the support mechanisms regulated by royal decree.

The deadlines for the fulfilment of these obligations are diverse and, in some cases, their original definition is outdated, it is no longer adequate, or introduces an excessive complexity in the auditing procedures.

Need and opportunity for approval

The increase in the number of consumers certified as electro-intensive during the last year, due to the inclusion of new sectors and the relaxation of certain requirements due to the increase in the price of electricity, has highlighted the need to harmonize the definition of the requirements and obligations of electro-intensive consumers and to streamline the procedures for certification and verification of compliance with the requirements.

Since the first electro-intensive consumer certifications were resolved three years ago, the verification of compliance with these obligations has already begun and administrative practice has revealed some opportunities for improvement of the procedures.

Finally, it is necessary to adapt the regulation to the new organizational structure of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism and, specifically, of the Secretary of State for Industry, which includes two general directorates in place of the former General Directorate of Industry and SMEs, which has been abolished, and Royal Decree 1106/2020, of December 15, designated as the competent body to instruct and resolve the certification procedure.

Objectives of the norm

The basic objective of this rule is to improve the regulation and record management electrointensivos consumers and the compensatory mechanism of charges to these consumers. In particular, it is to enhance the coherence and clarity of definitions of requirements and obligations of consumers electrointensivos, reduce administrative burdens and to increase the efficiency of administrative action of management, audit and control.

Possible alternative solutions, regulatory and non-regulatory

The alternative would be to retain the text of the rule in force, but it is considered that the benefits of the amendment which seeks to address will have an impact important enough to justify the processing and approval of parliament's rules of procedure.

Remission deadline

Deadline for submitting arguments from the day Friday, May 31, 2024 until the day Friday, June 14, 2024

Submission of allegations

The allegations may be sent to the email address: indicating in the subject: "Real Decreto de modificacion del Real Decreto 1106/2020 Estatuto de los consumidores electrointensivos"

Will only be considered responses in which the sender is identified.
