Detail Public Participation

Range of the Standard:
Royal Decree of cabine
Character of the query:
Type of participation:
Hearing and public information


The Royal Decree 244/2019, of 5 april, which governs the administrative, technical and economic self-sufficiency of electrical energy, introduced a number of measures to boost in self-sufficiency, amending article 9 of act 24/2013, of 26 december, the electricity Sector in the definition of self-consumption and its modalities (with or without surpluses) and the economic and administrative regime that is applied to them. As a result of this update regulations, it is necessary to adapt the rules of low voltage Electrotechnical to ensure the safety of such facilities.

It also requires the development of a Supplementary Technical Instruction (ITC) for the continuous current systems forming part of the installation inside a consumer or a generator of electricity connected to the network or indoor installation of the consumer.

The main objective, therefore, is to adapt the regulation of the security council of the low voltage installations to the new paradigm of generalization in self-sufficiency. Specifically, it adopted a new Complementary Technical Instruction (ITC) concerning the continuous current systems.

The draft royal decree consists of a narrative, three articles, an additional provision, five transitional provisions, a provision repeal Only and three final provisions.

Remission deadline

Deadline for submitting arguments from the day Wednesday, August 31, 2022 until the day Friday, September 30, 2022

Submission of allegations

The allegations may be sent to the email address: indicating in the subject: "Proyecto Real Decreto. ITC BT-53, del Rgto. Electrotécnico de Baja Tensión"

De acuerdo con lo dispuesto en el artículo 26.6 de la Ley 50/1997, de 27 de noviembre, del Gobierno, la presente disposición se somete al trámite de audiencia pública.

The comments should be sent by regular mail to the sub-department Industrial quality and safety (pº de la Castellana, 160 - plant 12, 28071 Madrid).

Sólo serán consideradas las respuestas en las que el remitente esté identificado, haciendo constar en ellas:

  • Name and surname/name of the participant.
  • Organization or association (if applicable).
  • Contact (email).

In general, the contributions received are considered likely to be made public. The parts of the information provided that, in the opinion of the person concerned, should be treated confidentially and consequently is not free dissemination, should be specifically identified in the text of the contribution, not to be regarded as the generic messages confidentiality of information.
